Time – 7:00pm – Unless Noted
Official Action May Be Taken

Friday, January 3
Friday, February 7
Friday, March 7
Friday, April 4
Friday, May 2
Friday, June 6
Thursday, July 3 – 9:00am
Friday, August 1
Friday, September 5
Friday, October 3
Friday, November 7
Wednesday, December 3 – 9:00am


2025 Workshop Meeting Dates
Time – 9:00am
Official Action May Be Taken

January 16
February 20
March 20
April 17
May 15
June 19
July 17
August 21
September 18
October 16
November 20
December 18

Cape May County Hazard Mitigation Plan, 2020 Update

The Borough of West Wildwood is looking for public comment with regards to this plan.
Please send your comments to:
Carl O’Hala, Deputy Clerk
701 West Glenwood Ave.
Borough of West Wildwood, NJ, 08260

You may also submit your comments using this online form.

Cape May County Hazard Mitigation Plan, 2020 Update

Cape May County Hazard Mitigation Plane, May 2016 West Wildwood Plan Only

Click the titles below to toggle more information

The DEP, NJ Business Action Center and the NJ Clean Communities Council are working together to help businesses and communities understand and comply with the law. A new website at www.nj.gov/dep/plastic-ban-law   includes helpful information for regulated entities, including a Frequently Asked Questions page, a list of establishments and how the law impacts them, a copy of the law, and more.

Additionally, the NJ Business Action Center has created a clearinghouse at https://business.nj.gov/bags/vendorclearinghouse  to aid businesses in identifying vendors and manufacturers who sell the reusable carryout bags permitted by the new law.

Or call the NJBAC “Bags” hotline at 866-534-7789 for questions about business compliance.

To learn more about the Clean Communities Council’s Bag Up NJ campaign, visit www.bagupnj.com  For a video about BagUp NJ, visit www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxxIrduooSk
Note: To reduce plastics pollution statewide, food-service businesses may provide single-use plastic straws to a customer only upon request, according to the NJ Department of Environmental Protection and NJ Business Action Center.

Please take notice to the following changes to the Cape May County Recycling Program.

Bulky mixed rigid plastics and shredded paper will no longer be accepted as recyclable materials.

Effective October 1, 2019 these items will be placed with regular household trash for pick-up.

Bulky mixed rigid plastics regardless of size and color include plastic laundry baskets, plastic toys and playhouses, plastic lawn furniture, empty plastic trashcans, and plastic coolers. Along with shredded paper, these items must be disposed of as trash.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this very important matter.

Cape May County Curbside Recycling Program Flyer 2021


State of New Jersey Recycling Information

Immigrants who are the victim of certain crimes may be eligible to obtain legal status in the United States by application to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). T-Visa or U-Visa, allows qualifying victims, who have information on a crime and/or criminal activity, temporary immigration status including work authorization; temporary immigration status for qualifying family members of the victim; and the possibility of lawful permanent resident status.

The West Wildwood Police Department follows the Immigrant Trust Directive also known as Attorney General Directive 2018-6 and will process a qualifying victims “U” or “T” Visa within 120 days of submission.

For further information please visit The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services website or https://www.uscis.gov/I-918.

For a list of qualifying crimes, refer to the “U and T Visa Law Enforcement Resource Guide” accessible at https://www.dhs.gov/publication/u-visa-law-enforcement-certification-resourceguide.

October 8, 2019

Attention: Borough of West Wildwood Property Owner

In light of the recent problems with older decks, the Borough of West Wildwood is recommending that every property owner check their exterior deck for damage, excessive wear and other problems. Please be advised that prolonged exposure to severe weather combined with the moisture levels and salt air in the coastal environment can cause serious damage to exterior decks, structural supports and attachments to the main structure. Proper routine maintenance of these exterior decks, porches and balconies should prevent structural problems and possible failures.

Care should be taken to ensure that the supporting structural components are intact and stable as well as the connections to the framing and the main structure. These connections should be tight and mechanical connectors should be free of corrosion. Please note that secure connections to supports and the main structure should prevent separation from the structure and potential failure. Please check all aspects of these exterior structures including, but not limited to: Columns and supports; connections to structural supports and the main structure; beams and girders, joists and ledgers; any existing bolts and/or joist hangers; stairs and handrails; and guardrails for any raised portion of the deck.

In the event that the deck is not stable or shows signs of instability, a review should be obtained from a registered architect or licensed engineer to obtain recommendations for repairs to render the structure safe. The City of Wildwood’s construction office will assist you with properly following procedures regarding an unsafe structure and the application process for obtaining construction permits for repair.
Please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of every property and building owner to ensure that their structure is maintained in a safe condition free of hazards.

Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this important life safety matter.

Rick Allen, Construction Official
City of Wildwood

showing-gallery-for-friendly-reminder-clip-art-72ku32-clipartTO ALL TAXPAYERS

Please Make Separate Checks with Account Numbers Listed on Payments for, A. Property Taxes, B. Sewer Payments, C. Mercantile Lic., And Fire Inspections.


bags2forwebsiteThe Borough Appreciates and Thanks You for Your Recycling Efforts. However the Cape May County MUA Has Brought an Issue to the Borough’s Attention.




This Causes Operational and Equipment Problems for the County MUA.

Thank You for Your Continued Cooperation.